As a parent, you want to do the best for your child, but how do you know what’s right?  What do you do when your child answers back? Or is being bullied at school? Or starts telling obvious lies?

Over coming weeks Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, founder Professor Matt Sanders will share some of Triple P’s proven tips for the best ways to handle common behavioural and developmental problems in children.

From battling disobedience to encouraging homework routines, Professor Sanders will cover those everyday issues to help you work out some strategies to suit your family.

Professor Sanders will highlight common “parent traps” and support you to make the very important job of raising kids as enjoyable and rewarding as possible.

Parenting can be hard work and it may take time to tackle more difficult problems. That’s where Triple P can help.

Triple P is free in Queensland, thanks to the support of the Queensland Government.

Parents can access free online courses | LEARN MORE

Face-to-face support is also available. Check out Triple P’s calendar of upcoming parent seminars across the state | LEARN MORE